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Get in touch with your beads

Visit the Birth Place of Czech Beads

Prices 2018/per person beading tour

1 day tour £80 Please email for availability

2 day tour including 1 night £200

3 day tour including 2 nights £285

4 day tour including 3 nights £390

5 day tour including 4 nights £485

Possible 1 person supplement for one day tour if you really can’t find anyone to come with you. Prices include hotel,breakfast and Transportation.

Pricing 2018


We are in contact with 2 family run pensions situated in the heart of Jablonec. Nice rooms with en suit bathroom, no single room supplements.

Continental breakfast, rest area to chat and bead together, if there is time.

Call us on +420 606 588 330 and have a chat about available dates. We are a small family business. Trust is very important to us.

Payments can be made via PayPal, or other arrangements can be made. There is no problem for us to give you references on request from our previous happy beaders from all over the United Kingdom, Sweden,Crotia,Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand. Check out our Happy Customers page

Nights in Praha

£90 single/person 

£130 twin room 2 people sharing.

All prices include breakfast and all transportation.

(min. 2 people per tour). We can cater for any size tour.